Sunday, April 06, 2008

Oprah Winfrey

I urge you to watch this video.


Jenny LaBo said...

OH my Word. I can't even believe it. How can people follow this woman? I am going to post this on mine too to catch the people who don't know you.
It makes me so sad to see people trust feelings and emotions.

Kelly Glupker said...

Aren't you so thankful to have the Bible as your firm foundation? It's no wonder people get so far from the truth when they trust only in themselves. Emotions come and go, God's Word never changes.

chris k said...

I saw the site from Jenny's blog and then pulled it up from yours. All I can say is WOW! I literally had no idea about this because I only catch her show once in a while. Thanks for the site.

Rachael Neal said...

Yikes! I totally agree, Kelly. Where would we be without God's truth? I know if I followed my emotions, I would be in a totally lost state. I'm so thankful that God has drawn me to himself and I'm now FREE from believing the lies of this world. Thanks for sharing!

christina said...

i am amazed at how blindly people follow her. saddened really.

but i have to admit i got a kick out of the title of the book they were advertising at the end, "don't drink the kool-aid". pretty funny.

Pam said...

People are such followers of anything they find to be the easier way. I too was cheering for the people that were standing up to her. Oprah is not the know all, end all of society.

Trail Rated said...

Interestingly, Oprah would absolutely feel for a man or woman JEALOUS over a spouse who had left them for another, but the Bridegroom cannot be jealous over His bride? That makes no sense.

Heather said...

That is so sad that she believes that. I am so thankful that I know the ONLY way to Heaven and true happiness!!!!

Anonymous said...

That video is sickening.