Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Reservoir

The reservoir near our home continues to be one of our favorite places to walk as a family. During this particular trip, Owen was about 5 weeks old. His cheeks were huge!

We have been enjoying some beautiful weather with very low humidity for the last several days. We have taken advantage of this by visiting the reservoir in the evenings. Owen is now enjoying walking around it himself!


Diana Oedy said...

Wow!! He has changed so much, isn't it crazy how much they change in the first year. I think I am a mean mom because even though Lana can walk now, I rarely if ever, let her in public. She always has to stay in the stroller or shopping cart, until she learns to stay with me, and not throw a fit when I hold her hand I guess...

Kelly Glupker said...

Thankfully we don't have to fight with him to hold our hand - at this point. In fact, Ben took Owen to the mall today before the stores opened so that he could walk around for a couple of hours. He loved it!

Kelly Glupker said...
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Jenny LaBo said...

That is so cute!

Kara said...

What a nice place to walk. I wish that was a couple blocks from my house.
I can't believe how Owen is getting around, what a big boy!