Tuesday, February 08, 2011

What could it be? It's Baby #3!!!

When I noticed that my pants were getting snug, and some wouldn't even button, I looked at my stomach and told my husband I thought I had a tumor. A short time later I caught sight of myself in the mirror as I was getting dressed. In frustration I said to myself, "This is ridiculous! I look pregnant! Why am I getting so big?" A few days later I awoke from yet another nap and the thought occurred to me, could I be pregnant? I got out of bed at once and took a test. I was in shock when it came back positive, so much so that I got the kids up from their naps and went to the lab to get blood drawn to be sure it was true. And it was. I am pregnant.
While I may look like I'm entering my third trimester, I am only 14.5 weeks pregnant. And no, it's not twins. There is only one in there! I'm discovering that there is some truth to the statement that the more children you have the earlier you start to show.


Unknown said...

That really is true -- the more kids you have the earlier you pop! I have a friend who is pregnant with her 4th and she popped out even sooner than you did. And I truly think you look great! Enjoy the pregnancy! I take it your 1st trimester went smoothly then?

Gina said...

Hope you're feeling as great as you look! Congratulations again!

suzanne said...

my butt always seems to pop first! you look cute. Bring on the babies! I still laugh when I think about how I used to think I only wanted one and you commented on my blog about it. Now I'm trying to convince Ryan to have a fourth and Chase is only three months!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Jason was 7 1/2 and Andrew had just turned 5 when we found out I was pregnant with Sarah Beth. With the boys, I knew the first or second day. With Sarah, I was about 8 weeks pregnant, and TOTALLY clueless! But 3 1/2 years later, she's the best surprise we've ever had. Good luck with you new addition!