Wednesday, August 31, 2011

At Age 4

In case I forget (which I know I will), here is what Owen is like at age 4. At Age Four:
- He loves puzzles and he's really good at putting them together.
- He looks out for his little sisters and tries hard to protect them.
- He likes to sing.
- He likes to tell stories, hear stories and read books.
- He is a great swimmer and doesn't need any assistance in the pool.
- He likes "bamilla" (vanilla) yogurt.
- He's sharp. The night before he turned four I said, "Tonight is the last night I'll be putting you to bed as a three year old! Good night my three year old boy." And he quickly responded, "Good night my thirty-one girl!"
- He insists on carrying his own bible to church.
- He uses "adult" toothpaste.
- He wants to be just like his Daddy
- He is very kind and has a sweet spirit and tender heart.
- He is very social.
- He and Daddy love to wrestle together. They also like to turn up the music and dance around the kitchen together during our after-dinner-clean-up routine.
- He is 41 inches tall (80th percentile) and weighs 42 pounds (90th percentile)

I remind Owen often that I am so thankful God put him in our family. He is an absolute joy! Just last night we were at a friend's house and he approached me and said, "Mommy, can we snuggle together?" I cherish these days with my children. They are passing by way too fast!