Monday, July 10, 2006

Angels and Demons

This summer I have been working full time and have unfortunately not had a lot of time to read. I did however just finish Frank Peretti's novel, "This Present Darkness." It is an older book, but as I like to remind my husband's friends, I was just a child back in the 80's when it first came out. I had a student two years ago who loved Frank Peretti, and I think I had a college professor who warned us not to read too much of his work (although I could be thinking of a different author). Anyhow, I had never read any of his writings and so I thought I would pick up a copy for myself.

The book was about a New Age group that was taking over the town of Ashton. The main purpose, however, was to portray the significant influence that both demons and angels play on our society. Peretti repeatedly emphasizes the fact that there is a constant spiritual warfare going on around us. There is not doubt that there is a battle going on, but I am not educated in the scriptures enough to know if Peretti's impression of things is truly biblical. The book was okay fiction, I certainly wouldn't call it a study in theology. I had a lot of people tell me that they LOVED "This Present Darkness." I am sorry to say that I did not LOVE it, it was just okay. It certainly kept my attention and got me thinking. By the time I was done with the book I was challenged to evaluate my own prayer life. Through different circumstances over the last couple of weeks, I have been forced to examine my prayer life, or lack thereof. I do not consider this a coincidence. I think the Lord is trying to tell me something.

Are any of you Frank Peretti fans? I have another book of his that I planned on reading, but have currently picked up another instead.


Kelli said...

I have tried reading that book several times, but I could never quite get into it. Maybe I will try again...we will see!

Heather said...

I wish I had more time to read...I have never hear of this author or the book. Sounds good though...maybe I will pick it up!

S said...

I did read this book and started the sequel, and by the time I was done I was seeing angels and demons around every corner and having nightmares! I'm probably just oversensitive to this stuff, but Stephen made me stop reading it. It was good food for thought though, and hard to put down!

Jenny LaBo said...

I read both books a couple years ago. I really enjoyed it. It really made me pause and think about the reality of demons in the world. Very interesting! I found myself being a little on the tense side after reading them, overthinking every thought that I had and everything that everyone else said.

maranatha95 said...

I have read several of his books and own 2 of his movies. I'm currently re-reading the second book in the series, Piercing the Darkness. I also have some of his kids shows (my 9 year old son loves them). They're called Mr Henrys wacky clubhouse (or something like that) I'm a huge fan! I'm not sure if the spirit world is actually the way that he describes it, but I sure can't say that it isn't.

Kelly Glupker said...

Do I know you? I couldn't find any pictures on your blog to see who you were.