Saturday, September 16, 2006

Kacia Savage

I am sure many of you Northlanders recognize the name above. Kacia and I are great friends and talk often. She called the other night asking me to pray, and I am writing to you now asking you to pray.
Kacia's brother Traig (He' s in his 20's) was diagnosed with cancer in August. He and his wife, Meggane, have traveled a very difficult road. She had cancer too, though hers is thankfully in remission. Their first born son was born earlier this summer. I can't imagine walking in their shoes. Imagine watching your spouse suffer with cancer. Think of the excitement you would feel when it got better and went into remission. How thankful you would be to then be able to have a child. And then try to fathom the heartache you would feel to know that your family is going through it all again, but this time, you have the cancer. Please pray for Traig and Meggane as well as their families. Rather than trying to explain their prayer requests myself, below is the email Kacia sent me.

"We received some more unfortunate news about Traig yesterday. Since his surgery about a month ago he has had a cat scan and also a pet scan. The cat scan came back okay, or so the dr. said. But the pet scan did not. From what we understand now, and what Traig has told us, the Pet scan found "bad" spots on his right lung, the middle of his chest, and some of his abdominal lymph nodes. Traig is currently in Las Vegas, NV for a business trip and the Dr. called and told Meggane (his wife) the news over the phone yesterday. She then called Traig and he then called us. He and Meggane are doing well with all of this and Traig says he has absolute peace about what the Lord is choosing to do in his life right now. The emotions in the family have been kind of like a rollercoaster because we first thought his prognosis was bad, and then his doctor gave us the impression that it wasn't, and now after these test results it is quite serious again. So that has been a little difficult. Traig's next step is to have an MRI to see if the cancer has progressed to his brain, this is not a for sure but apparently a possibility. After that they want him to begin an aggressive chemo treatment 5 days on chemo 3 weeks off and so on and so forth. Throughout this trial God has been so good. I can't imagine how people endure these hardships without the love and support that we receive from our loving and wonderful Heavenly Father. The whole family is confident that HE is going to use this in all of our lives to draw us closer to HIMSELF and mend relationships that needed healing. I would just ask you that you pray that God would lead Traig and Meggane to the perfect doctor for their situation, that HE would of course provide for their needs and that God would grant our family the grace that we need from HIM in order to be witnesses of HIS goodness to all of those that are around us.

thanks a lot for your thoughts and prayers

Please take a moment to pray for Traig. If you want to sent a note of encouragement to Kacia, her email address is


christina said...

thanks for passing this along. we will pray.

Shannon Smith said...

Hi Kelly,
I will be praying for Kacia and her family. Thanks for posting the prayer request.
Shannon (McMillen) Smith

Janeen said...

I will definitely pray for the savage family. That would be a hard thing to hear. How is Kentucky? I hope that you are settling in fine.