Tuesday, January 02, 2007


On our way home from Michigan, Ben and I discussed our financial goals for 2007. I am happy to say that our budget is complete and in effect. Whew! I love getting that job done.
Each new year it seems like I resolve to read through the Bible. I do great at first, and then not so great. This year I came up with a plan to change my habit of quitting. I purchased a One Year Bible. Each day I read a portion of scripture and by the end of the year I will have read the entire Bible. What I LOVE about this particular Bible is that the passages are all chronological. Therefore, I won't be reading from Genesis to Revelation, but rather in the order in which the events actually happened. I am very excited about this!
What are your New Year's Resolutions?


Josh said...

I'm curious. Why is it important to you to read the whole Bible in a year? I know it's a pretty popular goal for some, but no one ever really says why it's important to them.

Anonymous said...

I am trying to read through the Bible in a year chronologically also! We'll have to check in with each other to see how it is going- I'm up-to-date so far:) I don't think the "year" aspect is the so important part, at least to me, as just reading the Bible in its entirety as often as possible to get the whole cousel of God- and to do so in a year seems a manageable goal. (If I am behind at the end of the year, I will keep reading until I finish, even if it takes two years!!)

Anonymous said...

I'm part of a women's Bible study and we're starting a chronological study of the Bible this month. The whole project will take us 2 years to finish but I'm SO excited about it!

Kelly Glupker said...

Because all of God's Word is inspired, I think it is important to read all of it. Reading it in a year isn't that important, but I set it as a goal because it is a very reasonable time frame in which to do it. I personally get discouraged during my quiet time when I go to read my Bible and don't have any clue where to begin. I don't like the idea of just randomly opening the scriptures and reading whatever page I open up to. Reading it chronologically will give me a new persepctive (I believe) as I am able to look at God's redemptive plan in an orderly fashion. I hope my reading will help me to learn more about who God is rather than by reading a bit here and a bit there.

I am on track too! :) I would love to check in with you concerning my reading goals. I can always use accountability!

Thanks for the comment! I would love to be a part of a women's Bible study! I am thinking about taking a class at the seminary this semester for women.

Josh said...

Thanks, Kelly. And Christine. I hope my original comment didn't seem rude. I was genuinely curious regarding your goal. I appreciate your explaining it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly,
Which 1 year Bible are you reading?

Kelly Glupker said...

Don't worry about it! It was a good question.

It is simply called the "One Year Chronological Bible." I bought at Family Christian Book Store for $20. Not too bad for a Bible. Ben is reading it too. It's nice that we are reading the same thing so we can discuss it when we are together.

Anonymous said...

I have decided the read the One Year Bible as well. Our church purchased them in bulk for a discount price. As for my other New Year's Resolutions... eat health, exercise, and lose weight as usual. But more importantly, my goal is to spend more "quality" time with my kids. Sometimes I feel like I spend my entire day changing a diaper, doing laundry, preparing a meal, and then cleaning up afterwards that I am afraid that I am missing some valuable teaching opportunities. My plan is to make our day more structured and just enjoy my kids. They are growing up so fast and I don't want to miss anything.

Anonymous said...

to be honest, making a new years resolution was an afterthought for me. every year i say i won't drink pop (which i haven't had since 1992) but i am purposing to be more faithful and consistent in my time with the Lord. Trusting God and praying for his help instead of worrying and trying to figure things out on my own.

happy new year.


Kelly Glupker said...

I think you have some great solutions - especially concerning your kids. People always say the time flies. They grow up too fast. There is always work to be done, but your kids won't always be around. I am jealous you get to spend so much time with them. You are a great mom!
Is the one year Bible you are using chronological?

You haven't had pop in almost 15 years!?!?!?! That's impressive!