Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Above Average Intelligence

My friend, Tatyana, told me about this quiz when she left a comment on my previous post. I took the it, but did NOT like it. The main reason I didn't like it was because the instructions tell you to do it as fast as you can. The pressure to work quickly did not help me to think clearly! Now I understand why my students hated timed quizzes.
Anyhow, I hesitate to tell my score because I have nothing to compare it to. But I'll swallow my pride and confess that I scored a 124. It must not be too bad since it said that I have "above average intelligence."
Take the quiz and tell me what you think. I think it's kind of hard!
By the way (PAM!), you can't use any paper, pencils, pens, husbands, or anyone else to take this quiz!


Anonymous said...

I couldn't get the other test to load, but I got 148 on this one. According to the site: "A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 144-160 is considered to be "gifted".

I'll take it. ;)

Unknown said...

I found it really intense too and felt sure that the whole time I was doing it wrong. I doubted myself even on the easy questions because I was sure that if I took more time I'd see it wasn't easy. However, I ended up with a 140, but I don't think I'd take that quiz again--I'd probably get lower!

Karen said...

I scored a 147. Apparently I'm gifted. Whatever that means!

Pam said...

I scored a 145. With NO help from anyone thank you.

Amanda Irene said...

finally pam claims honesty!!! :)

Amanda Irene said...

OKay so I am just at 108. Kara?? What was yours. Everyone has to have that not so smart friend?! Can you improve your IQ? Or is that something you are born with? Is that a stupid question? HAH!

Kara said...

I got 132, and that was with being interrupted by Adam and Tommy. Arrrrrrgh.

Unknown said...

I got a 145 without anyone's help and I tried to go quickly. Got a little fed up with those questions near the end though. Some were just nonsense.

Kelly Glupker said...

Okay, I know there is SOMEBODY who didn't outscore me. You must be too embarrassed to leave a comment! :)

Tricia said...

Kelly, I finally took this and got a 143. Yours must have gotten messed up because I'm certain that you should have scored higher than me! =)