Sunday, May 04, 2008

Owen - Out of Control

Maybe Owen has a great sense of humor; or, maybe, he laughs like a lunatic. Either way, we enjoy it!


Kara said...

I would pay money to see you while you are making those noises. :)

Sara said...

SOOOOOOO Cute!!! Gage makes some crazy noises too. Nothing like those little men. They are precious!!

Kelly Glupker said...

Okay, so Ben lied to me. He said he would edit me out. I'm not sure what makes one laugh more - Owen or his dorky mom. :)

Karen said...

CUTE! I love the crazy screeching at the end!

Gina said...

That's hilarious! Reminds me of the laughing quads video. You can't help but laugh right along with him. Evan likes to make that squealing noise a lot.

Anonymous said...

You were both adorable! Kelly, you sounded like a horse? Kentucky is horse country! Maybe they are wearing off on you. Anyways, Owen made me laugh. How precious.
Happy Belated Birthday, Ben.

Sarah Glupker said...

You crazy maniac! I love it when you act goofy. Yep, you sure made me laugh very hard! And between you and me (it's our little secret): your momma sounds like a dork and I'd laugh at her too!

Hugs &Kisses,

Aunt Sarah

Phil Luter said...

I have the feeling that most of us laughed at this - not at Owen, but with him. Someone else in this video seems to laugh like a lunatic. Isn't it more fun to laugh than cry? And kids can bring such joy.

Unknown said...

Hee-hee! Nothing is more contagious than a pure from-the-belly baby laugh! Oh my, you are so not dorky compared to me. I one time was making crazy faces at Chloe while I filled up the gas tank and I turned around to see that all the cashiers inside the gas station were laughing at me! Oh well - the things we do to make our children happy . . .

Chris said...

That is a dorky mom that Owen has! :) That really is cute. Owen that is.