Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Always Working on Something

Owen loves to throw things. He also loves to organize and reorganize. He can spend a half hour taking the throw pillows on and off the couch, stacking them, putting them in piles, putting them back on the couch, taking them back off, etc. He will do this with Ben's underwear, his own shoes, the magnets on the refrigerator, the dish towels in the kitchen drawer, or the stack of magazines at the Temple. THANKFULLY, he has also learned how to put things back after he takes them out. Today (like many days) he decided to empty out one of his drawers. It's funny to watch because he doesn't just take them out, he throws them behind himself.

In the picture below he is working on putting all of the clothes back.

And here is the finished product - normally his clothes are neatly folded and placed in such a way that the drawer can be closed. But I find his method sooooo precious because he put them ALL away ALL on his own!


mj said...

I'll help him pick them up, if he lets me. Can't wait, 1 week from now i'll be sleeping on your beautiful couch, or beating ben and you in some sort of game. haha

Trail Rated said...

Ya know, we trained our kids to do these kinds of things, but their rooms are never quite up to snuff - ok actually their rooms are pig pens! Wait ws that me or my mom talking just them?!?!?!?

Pam Wickman said...

That is so funny :) He's such a busy boy. At least he's a cleaner! Evan is really good at emptying, not so much at putting away. I'll be working on that in the next months. Maybe.

Kara said...

That head of curls makes me smile every time I see it!

Rachel was (is) our cleaner and organizer, she loved to dust at that age, she would go around rubbing a cloth on everything she could reach.

Kelly Glupker said...

You might beat Ben in a game, but you won't beat me.

the johnson crew said...

oh my, he is so funny! that is so cute!

mj said...

I'll have to tell ben you said that, so then we can team up on you!!! You're going down!!! Haha

Gina said...

It must be a boy thing - to take things out and toss them behind. Evan does the exact same thing, but Molly doesn't. He LOVES pulling things out one by one. Unfortunately for me, Evan has not yet learned how or developed an interest in putting things back, so our house always looks like a tornado has gone through it. In fact, one of Evan's several nicknames in "Tornado."