Thursday, July 16, 2009

Research Confirms What I Already Knew

I have often said that I attract mosquitoes. My friend and I can be outside with our kids and she doesn't get one bite while I go in the house with five. When we were in Michigan my sister and I went for a walk. She lives out in the country so I made sure I covered myself up so I wouldn't get eaten alive. I had on long sleeves (with a hood that I even used!), pants, socks and tennis shoes. I think Kim was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. During our walk I kept getting bit on my only exposed skin - my neck and face. Kim got nothin'! At one point during our walk I stopped to talk to her face to face. We couldn't help but laugh at the fact that she had no bugs swarming her while I literally had mosquitoes all over my face - flying near my mouth while I talked and even getting stuck in my eyelashes!
This morning there was an article in Louisville's newspaper, The Courier-Journal. And it's true!!! Some people are mosquito magnets. They are drawn to clean, healthy and intelligent individuals. Okay, that last part wasn't in the article. But they do discriminate, so the article says. If you don't believe me, you can read it yourself right here.


Unknown said...

Interesting findings! I hadn't heard that about mosquitos before -- I wonder if it's the same for bees. I have a friend who literally is dive-bombed by them when's she outside!

Another pal of mine swears by lavender essential oil as a natural bug repellent. Check this link out for some insect-specific repellents:

We have family coming to camp next week so I will be stopping to get some cinnamon or citronella oil soon. provided they aren't too expensive of course. :)

Karen said...

I'm a magnet, too! How frustrating! And I'm super-sensitive, if not allergic. My bites swell up & I look like tarantula bait.

Jenny said...

I am definitely a mosquito target! I hate going outside at night without repellent. I even have gotten bitten THROUGH MY JEANS how wrong is that?! I wonder what would happen if you, Karen and I got together? A mosquito convention? LOL. Maybe this is why I like winter.

undergroundcrowds said...

I call John my walking repellent, because they go straight for him and leave me alone. I take him with me where ever I go.

Pam said...

I actually got so many mosquito bites at one time when I was a teenager that I looked like I had a bad case fo the mumps. The good thing? Now I'm immune to them. They can bite me all day and no itching or bumps.

The Murphy's said...

I never get bit by a mosquito! Isn't that odd? My Dad doesn't either.and I dont think Michael does...I think that ppl who have a dark complexion don't get bit as much..that's something to research ;)