Friday, July 16, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Owen just started swimming lessons. He went through a phase where he was afraid of the "big pool" but now he's swimming like a fish (with the help of some float devices). He's putting his head under water, holding his breath, jumping in, kicking and moving quite quickly. The best part of these swim lessons is that his teacher is his Daddy! These two are having so much fun together! We're just getting started, but I hope to see Owen get rid of the water wings very soon. He's only two, but by next year it would be nice to see him swimming independently.

Aubrey likes to cheer for Owen

Practicing floating on his back

Going for a ride


Pam said...

Evan got swim lessons from Papa and Daddy and is really really close, just a few more.
Isn't is fun to see them gain just a bit more independance? Good job Owen!

nobody from nowhere said...
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nobody from nowhere said...

The water looks to refreshing and inviting! My dad used to let us grab on tight to his neck or back and he would swim under water, then burst out into the air - we called it Shamu. You are Ben are giving your kids some great experiences.