Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sweet Innocence

This morning over breakfast Owen began talking about his Grandpa Rademacher. He loves that they both can do silly things with their toes - point, pick things up, etc. So as he was giving me a "thumbs up" with his big toes he began to talk about Grandpa. The conversation went like this:
O: "Mommy, Grandpa is your daddy. right?"
M: "Right!"
O: "But who is your Mommy?"
M: Thinking he would remember I said, "You know who my Mommy is."
O: "Grandma Glupker?" he asked.
M: "No. That's Daddy's Mommy. My Mom's name was Grandma Cindy."
O: "How come she doesn't come see us? Is she mad at us?"
M: "Oh, no! She's not mad at us. She is in Heaven with Jesus!"

It always amazes me what goes through the mind of my three year old.


Anonymous said...

Aww how sweet! I miss Aunt Cindy so much! <3 ~Allison