Wednesday, March 30, 2011

22 Weeks

I have passed the 22 week mark in this pregnancy. Today Ben felt the baby move for the very first time. I feel the baby every day, but still not nearly as much as I did with my other two. My guesses as to why this might be: - My muscle is still acting as a cushion or a buffer so it takes on most of the kicking preventing me from feeling it. - I'm too busy to notice the movement. - This baby isn't as active as the first two. Aubrey was VERY active in the womb and that has not changed one bit since she came out! I'm still feeling great and have only gained a couple of pounds. We haven't picked any names yet and I suspect we won't any time soon.


Unknown said...

You look great, Kelly! I'm sure the fact that you're so busy running after the other two kiddos is distracting you from baby movement . . . and probably keeping off the pounds too! Hope your pregnancy continues to be healthy!

The Cherry Blossom Travellers said...

Kelly, you're just a few weeks behind me! I am 25.5 weeks now. Expecting a girl this time - we've never known the sex before but decided to do it differently on this side of the world. SO exciting! I hope you feel as good as you look - I am just starting to feel some of those "joys" o know the ones that make you draw closer to the Lord for strength, energy, and even sleep! She does NOT stop moving!! No one even has to feel my belly - you can see it going full force from across the room! I can't believe you haven't gained much weight! I've gained 20 pounds ALREADY!!! Crazy! Anyways, I'm really happy for your sweet family and can't wait to see this angel join it!

suzanne said...

You look so good pregnant!

Kelly Glupker said...

Thanks, friends!