Monday, July 18, 2011

38 Weeks

Two weeks until my due date! Even with temperatures in the nineties and a house without air conditioning I am in no hurry to have this baby! I am anxious to meet my little gift from God but I also know it's going to be harder to get the kids out and enjoying this summer weather when baby arrives.

At my 37 week appointment the baby was still head down and very low. My blood pressure was 110/60. Total weight gain is 18 pounds. I tested positive (again!) for strep. My doctor doesn't start checking for dilation until 39 weeks but I requested the midwife to check me anyway since I was pretty sure I was making some kind of progress. And so she did and I learned that I'm 50% effaced and dilated to 3. My next appointment is tomorrow. I'm curious if I've made any more progress. I'm feeling lots of pressure and some contractions, though they still feel like Braxton Hicks.

I cannot thank God enough for such a healthy pregnancy thus far. I do not take that for granted!

As you can imagine, I felt a sense of urgency to start preparing for baby's arrival after my last appointment. The swing, car seat and bouncy chair are now out and clean. I have a fresh sheet on the crib and my nursing cover has been washed and packed. The changing table is stocked with clean onesies and sleepers. I have plenty of wipes, but no diapers. I ordered them last week and they should be delivered by Wednesday. Once the baby is born I'll make a trip to my sister's house to pull out gender specific clothing. My hospital bag is packed except for the items I use on a daily basis. Camera batteries are charged. The only thing left to do is pack the kid's bags, hope I can get a hold of my in-laws when I go into labor and pray Ben keeps his phone on him over the next couple of weeks!


Shelby said...

You look great! Can't wait to see what baby #3 is!!

Kara said...

Just remember we are on the way to the hospital if you need some cookies or anything for your bag that might have forgotten. :) I give you one more week.