Friday, November 11, 2011

Our School Year So Far

We are 9 weeks into our school year and I just can't believe how much Owen has learned. And even though I'm not officially schooling Aubrey she has picked up on so much! Because I don't want to forget . . .

Aubrey has learned:
- The pledge of allegiance (and she looks so darn cute with her hand on her heart while she recites it).
- The days of the week
- The months of the year (she does get the last couple months confused)
- The hymns, "I have Decided to Follow Jesus," "Take My Life," and "Trust and Obey." She's learned many other songs too.
- She has hidden these two verses in heart - "My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings." (Proverbs 4:20) and "Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls." (Hebrews 13:17). She may know other verses too because I have to admit, I didn't intentionally teach her these verses. She picked up on them while I was teaching Owen and then all of the sudden we started hearing her recite them word for word. Who knows what other things she has hidden!
- She has also learned some of the states of our country.

We've done a lot of work in 9 weeks so I obviously can't remember it all, but here's some of what Owen has learned and is doing:
- He's learned 9 verses (they are usually 13-15 words long)
- He's learned the following character qualities that coincide with the verses: forgiveness, faith, attentiveness, honesty, patience, obedience, orderliness, generosity and thankfulness.
- He is writing so nicely. I'm super pleased with how neat his letters are! We are working on writing numbers too.
- He's learned several hymns.
- He can do a little bit of adding.
- We've completed three chapter books so far: Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little and My Father's Dragon. We are in our fourth chapter book called Elmer and the Dragon. It is book 2 of a 3 book series.
- He's learned all kinds of fun things in science. We've studied snow, wind, rain, thunder, lightning, seasons, animals, plants and earth. Sometimes I wonder if we are doing too much for his age. And I'm certain he's not remembering it all. But then he'll surprise me and pull out facts he's learned. For example, yesterday it started to snow and he began to explain to me how the snow formed in the sky and how and why it began to fall. We learned about snow the first week or two of school but he remembered it. Kids are capable of learning so much. Their minds amaze me!
- He is starting to read! This is probably the thing we are most excited about. He's sounding out words and beginning to read simple words like sad, mad, eat, meat, read, am, ram, me, etc. Yesterday he read the sentence "See me eat." It is SO FUN to teach him and see him learn! And now on my wish list . . . Bob Books. Does anyone else have these and recommend them?


Anonymous said...

We love the Bob books and get them at our library!

suzanne said...

Are you doing teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons? Just curious because of the sentence, "see me eat".

Kelly Glupker said...

Yes we are, Suzanne! If I remember correctly, didn't you use that with Gavin? How did it work out for you?

Suzanne said...

Well, I think I started it before he was really ready and when we were half way through he got pretty frustrated and so we took a break for awhile. But when we picked it back up, he did great. At the end of the book he could read very well. I think they say that by the time you get to the end of the book they are at a 2nd grade level. I'm not sure about that, but I was very happy with it. Also, in the back of the book they have a book list.