Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Baby Ticker and Stretch Marks

Somebody asked me once if I type in the remarks on my baby ticker at the top of my blog. The answer is "No," which is why last week it gave the impression that I plan to get wasted once the baby is born and this week it says my morning sickness is getting better. I have had NO sickness whatsoever - praise the Lord! I do all the things I used to do before I got pregnant. I am not at all emotional like many women claim to be and have not noticed any significant hormonal changes that affect my moods. My memory doesn't seem to be fading away, I don't have any stretch marks, I'm not overly tired, I have no food aversions, smells do not bother me, I am not constipated, I seem to have no symptoms at all! The only reason I know I am pregnant is because I have heard the heart beat three times, I am starting to feel the baby move, and my Dad now calls me "Kelly Big Belly."
However, the topic of stretch marks leads me to ask all of you moms out there the following question. "Did you use any cream during your pregnancy to prevent stretch marks? If you did, did it work?" I know some of you may not want to talk about your stretch marks on the internet, so if you prefer to, email me at I am just curious if it is worth my money to buy the creams. I have heard that it is basically genetic. However, some women in my family have a ton of stretch marks, while others have none. I don't recall ever seeing stretch marks on my mom and I saw her in a bikini many times. Hopefully I'll take after her.


Anonymous said...

First off, you don't know me ... I just stumbled upon your blog on accident. But don't worry, I am not some kind of stalker or anything :-) Secondly, congrats on your pregnancy and how well it is going for you thus far! I just wanted to say that many doctors have told me that if your mother didn't get stretch marks then you most likely won't either. I bought the cream when I was pregnant and tried using it but the smell got to me. So, I used it maybe once and I had/have NO stretch marks. And that is saying a lot because I had a 10+ pound baby!!!!! So, that is my experience and I hope that you don't get any either. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and the birth of the baby as well. Have fun -- motherhood is the most wonderful gift from God! God bless you and your family.


Jenny said...

Kelly, I just used regular moisturizer - I have extremely fair skin and knew I couldn't prevent the stretch marks. (I still have some from my extremely chubby childhood) So I do think it has more to do with your skin's natural tendancies. There is a very informative article on wikipedia.

GLAD your pregnancy is so great!

Kara said...

I agree with the genetics thing- my mom and aunts didn't get them. I gained the most weight with Adam, but didn't get a stretch mark until Thomas came along. Just one by my belly button. I hope yours doesn't poke out horrendously like mine did. It's a shame, it'll never be the same.

Unknown said...

I didn't use anything special, just regular lotion. I didn't even do it faithfully! And I have no stretch marks. I agree that it's a genetic thing.

So glad your pregnancy is going so well!

Phil Luter said...

I just smeared the food around that I dropped when I was eating and never got a stretch mark with either Pam or Chris.

Kelly Glupker said...

I miss your jokes. :)

It's nice to "meet" you, thanks for stopping by. I hope I am just as fortunate as you when it comes to stretch marks - or the lack thereof. However, I hope I do NOT have a 10 pounder as you did. :) My cousin gave birth to a baby last September that weighed 10 pounds 5 ounces. She delivered naturally without any pain medication. She didn't get any strech marks either.

Jenny and Alicia,
I use regular lotion every day of my life. Ben says I'm addicted to it. Hopefully it will pay off now.

My belly button doesn't poke out (yet) but I can't believe how weird it looks already. I didn't think that would happen until the end.

Traci said...

Well I hate to ruin the streak ya got going mom didn't get stretch marks, but I did get some! And I bought all the lotion money can buy - stuff ranging from $5 up to $125 for a stupid tube of lotion. Those were all with Robbie and I got stretch marks with him. With Andrew, I didn't put one drop of lotion on my belly through out the entire pregnancy and I didn't get any stretch marks. I'm baffled! I definitely wouldn't waste any money on the lotions. Just prayer is the only thing that probably works! Also, I have fallen out of the blogging loop lately and that's because we have finally MOVED! We get internet friday and I'll be back! I will also post pictures as soon as possible. Hope everything is going well for you!

Kelly Glupker said...

I can't wait for you to get the internet again! Thanks for your comment. Sorry about your luck, but at least now I know not to waste my money on lotions! :)