Thursday, May 06, 2010


It was just over four years ago when I wrote this post announcing Ben's decision to sell our home, quit our jobs and move to Kentucky to pursue higher education. I asked many of you to pray about these things, and you did. It was excited to share our journey on this blog, to show how God had answered our prayers and directed our paths. And it was a real blessing to have so many loyal friends who went to the Lord on our behalf. Our faith was stretched and we grew as we waited on the Lord to sell our house, which He did just a couple of weeks before we needed to leave for Kentucky. Once we moved here God provided us with work. Ben got a job at a Jewish Temple and I landed a teaching position at Whitefield Academy. We were here less than six months when God answered another one of our prayers and I was able to get pregnant after dealing with infertility. Once we had our first child we knew we could not afford to live on one income while Ben was in school, but we also knew that we did not want Owen in day care. Yet, again, God gave us the desire of our hearts and allowed me to get a job that I could bring Owen to. I could write a book about all the prayers God has answered!

Do I write all of this to boast about how great our life has been? Not exactly, though I admit God has been exceedingly kind and gracious to us. I write all of this to show that God is good. He is faithful. He provides. He answers prayer. He's not a genie that gives us everything we ask for. In fact, He loves me too much to give me everything I ask for. As I look back at the last four years I am in awe of all that God has done. I didn't always see God's hand in the moment, but it's so clear to me now.
And now, as I write this, Ben is finishing his last exam - in Greek. He's not finishing easy! Many of you who faithfully pray for us have asked where we are going next. We don't know. Just like we didn't know how we would get to Kentucky, how we would make it through school, how we would pay our bills, how we would be able to have children. BUT . . . God knows. And once again I call upon my friends to pray for us, that God would show us where He wants us and continue to direct our paths.


Briana McCall said...

Thank you so much for faithfully serving God and allowing Him to provide for you and direct your life! I am so happy that your husband is graduating and excited to see where God will lead your family next. You have my prayers!

Kara said...

How exciting! I can't believe he's done with school! I was just asking your father-in-law what your upcoming plans were, so I'm glad you covered it here. :) We will definitely keep praying for your family about what lies ahead. A little closer to MI would be nice... right Kim??

Diana Oedy said...

It is fun to go back and read all the ways God has worked in your lives! I remember when we first met, in Nov of 06 at O'Charley's, and then helping you move into THIS apartment, seem so long ago! I am glad God brought both of us to Southern, what an amazing experiece it has been!!

christina said...

excellent! so exciting to look back and see the intricate details of God's plan. i love it!

Trail Rated said...

I wish we had an opening here at FBC. I will keep my ears open in the area.

amber said...

Congrats! I remember how excited we were when Matt graduated! Praying for you all in this transition and that you will continue to be awed by how God provides for you and your family!